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Monogram: Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana (2018)| Full Documentary| Orthodoxy| English Subtitles

Monogram: Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana (2018)| Full Documentary| Orthodoxy| English Subtitles

Biographical documentary film, directed by Pericles Asproulias.

The Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and all Albania Anastasios (1929-present day), an emblematic modern figure of Orthodox Christianity, recites his life on “Monogram”.
Anastasios is one of the leading intellectuals and hierarchs of the Greek Nation. He offered his support and gave pride to the “poor man of God”, the Orthodox citizen of Albania. Anastasios has led an adventurous life and, consequently, has taken many roles: the role of the missionary who penetrated the African continent, preaching the word of God, the university teacher, whose students listen to him with religious devotion, the candidate for the Nobel Prize, the man who labors for his fellow man, who put into practice the word of Christ. With a huge work to his credit, he is a humble priest, who lives an ascetic life, a simple man among simple people.

In this documentary, he remembers the struggles of his life and shares with us the wisdom that he has gained along the way.


Original Title: Μονόγραμμα: Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αναστάσιος

Movie Trivia:
1. Thirty-seven years of continuous presence on greek television, “Monogram” has recorded in a unique way the personalities who marked with their presence and work the spiritual, cultural, and artistic course of Greece. The series has been characterized by the entire press as “National archive”. For the first time in 2012, the Academy of Athens recognized and awarded an audiovisual project, awarding the creators-producers and directors Giorgos and Iro Sgourakis the Award of the Academy of Athens for their entire work and especially for “Monogram”.

2. Archbishop Anastasios (secular name: Anastasios Yannoulatos) was born in Piraeus, Greece. He was an excellent student in high school, and everyone expected him to pursue the carrer of a Lawyer or an Architect. However, he chose Theology. He never thought he would become a clergyman one day. Initially, he believed that as a layman he would contribute more to the Church and in a more effective way.

3. He was ordained a priest in 1964 and on the evening of the same day, he left for Africa and specifically for Kampala, Uganda. There he learned the local dialects and worked hard. May his great dream, that of Jesus, be fulfilled: “…Go and make disciples of all nations…”. He was forced to withdraw when he contracted malaria, but later returned, developing the field of foreign missions by continuing to support the missions in Korea, India and Africa.

4. Since June 24, 1992, he has been Archbishop of Tirana and all of Albania. The ecclesiastical work of Anastasios culminated with this mission, assigned to him by the Ecumenical Patriarchate for the restoration of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, which had collapsed after half a century of persecution. Anastasios “rebuilt” it stone by stone. A huge project. Over 400 parishes were formed. He founded the Theological-Priest School “Anastasis” (meaning “Resurrection” in Greek) in Durres, the Ecclesiastical Lyceum “Timios Stavros” in Argyrokastro, as well as 50 Youth Centers in various cities. He trained and ordained 145 new clergies, while he took care of the publication of liturgical and other religious books. Countless are his works in this Church and his innovations.


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