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The Murderess (1974)| Full-Length Period Drama| English Subtitles

The Murderess (1974)| Full-Length Period Drama| English Subtitles

Greek Period Drama movie, based on the novel by Alexandros Papdiamantis. Hadoula, a widow with grown-up children, who has convinced herself that it is better little girls should leave this life when young so that they and their parents should not suffer the trials that inevitably would be inflicted on them by an inequitable society. In the throes of this misguided compassion she first murders her own granddaughter and afterwards finds herself set on a course she is unable to stop despite the promptings of her conscience and her awareness of the consequences.

Directed by Costas Ferris, and adapted by Dimos Theos.


Original Title: Η Φόνισσα
IMDb rate: 7.7/10

Manos Katrakis (Narrator)
Maria Alkeou
Eleni Ioannou
Dimitris Poulikakos

Movie Trivia:
1. Alexandros Papdiamantis is one of Greece’s most celebrated novelists, often cited as “the Dostoevsky of Greece”. Papadiamantis was born in Greece, on the island of Skiathos (the “theater” of many of his novels), in the western part of the Aegean Sea. His novels and short stories usually describe the culture and everyday life of both rural and urban Greece in the late 19th century. Most of his work is tinged with melancholy, and resonates with empathy with people’s suffering, regardless of whether they are saints or sinners, innocent or conflicted. He was a devout Orthodox Christian, and his faith was always present in his works.
His works are often adapted for the screen or the theater. “The Murderess” for example, has been adapted twice for the screen (in 1974 and 20012), into a mini-series and an opera play. In 2023, the novella was once again been adapted for the big screen into a major production.

2. An example of Papadiamantis’ deep and even-handed feeling for humanity is his acknowledged masterpiece, the novella “The Murderess”. It is the story of an old woman in Skiathos, who pities families with many daughters: given their low socioeconomic status, girls could not work before marriage and they could not marry unless they provide a dowry; therefore, they were a burden and a plight to their families. After killing her own newborn granddaughter, she crosses the line from pity to what she believes is useful and appropriate action: the “mercy killing” of young girls. As coincidences keep piling up, she is confronted with a stark fact: her assumption that she was helping was monstrously wrong, and she gradually slips into mad torment. She flees arrest and tries to hide in the wilderness, but drowns in the sea while trying to escape two policemen on her trail; as Papadiamantis puts it, she meets “death half-way between divine and human justice”. The character of the murderess is depicted with deep empathy and without condemnation.

3. As an IMB user aptly states: “The folklore, the Archetypes of tradition, the mesmerizing landscapes and colors, the acting and dramatizing of events, and finally, the beautiful score composed by Stavros Logarides with an EMS synthi, turning this colorful folk tale into a contemporary thriller”.

4. Costas Ferris, director of the movie, is a key-figure of the “”New Greek Cinema”,mostly because of his work for “The Murderess” and 1983’s Rembetiko”.

5. The film won “Best Actress” and “Best Director” awards at Thessaloniki Film Festival.


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