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What Did You Do in the War, Thanassis (1971)| Full Length Comedy Movie| English Subtitles

What Did You Do in the War, Thanassis (1971)| Full Length Comedy Movie| English Subtitles

Greek satirical drama film written and directed by Dinos Katsouridis and starring Thanasis Veggos.
Thanasis is a simple kind-hearted man, who only cares about finding some food and surviving German-Italian Occupation of Greece, while his sister, Froso, has secretly joined the Resistance. His bad luck brings him in an Italian prison cell where he is mistaken for a resistance hero. Now, the officials of the Third Reich in war-torn Athens suspect that there is more to Thanasis than meets the eye, and, as usual, there is only one solution to such kinds of persistent problems; Death, destruction–and in the middle–a hungry and innocent Thanasis always running for his life.

Original Title: Τι έκανες στον πόλεμο, Θανάση;
IMDb rate: 7,6/10

Thanasis Veggos
Efi Roditi
Antonis Papadopoulos
Katerina Gogou

Movie Trivia:
1. Thanasis Veggos, the protagonist, is one of the most loved actors of all time, in Greece. In his movies, he often played everyman characters struggling to get by, but he has also played anti-heroes, he has acted in pure dramas, and on stage in the comedies of Aristophanes. His characters were often self-named “Thanasis”. His famous comedic catchphrase was “Καλέ μου άνθρωπε” (My good man). Ηe has starred in more than 170 films and documentaries.

2. The phrase “τρέχει σαν το Βέγγο” (English translation: “runs like Veggos”) has been adopted into common usage in the Greek language since nobody has run more or faster than Veggos in his many slapstick comedies.


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