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1940-41: Greece, the First Victory| WW2 Documentary| National Geographic| English Subtitles

1940-41: Greece, the First Victory| WW2 Documentary| National Geographic| English Subtitles

This major Documentary reveals the true story of the first victory of the Allies over the Axis powers. It is the Victory at the Battle of Greece!

The Documentary portrays the tenacity of the Greek soldiers during WW2, which forced Hitler to disperse his forces in a manner unfavorable to his strategic objectives. It catalyzed the alliance between Britain and the United States and resulted in aborting the Axis plans in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the Eastern Front.

During the first thirteen months of the war, Hitler’s unstoppable war machine had occupied seven European countries and had enslaved a population of 120 million by fighting for less than three months. The surprising seven-month-long Greek resistance to the invading armies of Italy and Germany that followed in 1940-194, gave the Greeks the first Allied victories on land and became a beacon of hope and an inspiration to freedom-loving countries everywhere.

The Greek victories provided badly needed relief to the British who, at that time, were fighting the Axis alone.

Original Title: 1940-41: Ελλάδα, Η Πρώτη Νίκη
Directed by: George Louizos
Narrated by: Christos Simardanis


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